Step 1 - Download and complete the "Candidate's Proposal for Membership" form and return to the Secretary accompanied by letters of recommendation from two members of the Society as proposer and seconder. In the case of a candidate living one hundred miles or more from Philadelphia, who is not personally known to a member of the society but claiming the required descent, the Council may accept, at its discretion, three letters from well-known citizens of the community where the candidate resides, or letters from officers of like hereditary societies, without requiring proposal by a present member (Bylaw IV, Election of Members). Contact the Secretary for guidance about these recommendations if you do not know any current members. The Society will review the candidate's proposal and recommendations to initially approve the candidate's claim to a qualified ancestor. Once this initial approval has been given, you will be notified so that you may perform the next step. NOTE: The following documents are in Microsoft Word 97-2003 format. They may be edited in Microsoft Word and Office products, free office packages like OpenOffice and LibreOffice, and Apple Pages.